Thursday, August 14, 2014

Fun with Veggies

The Hubby and I decided to try something different this year and signed up for a CSA. In addition to our regular weekly pick up, members are given the opportunity to go out to the farm and pick extras for canning and freezing. Well, we grabbed a couple 5 gallon buckets and took a trip out to the farm earlier this week. Upon on our return home, no one was more excited to see our little harvest than Grimmie, who then spent the next hour playing with a bean he managed to snag out of one of the buckets.
At one point he even tried to coax Madame Z into playing with his new found toy, but she just didn't understand the appeal.
Since I have been up to my eyeballs in zucchini, peppers and green beans, there has not been a lot of creating new items for the shops going on. However, in between washing, chopping, bagging and freezing the veggies, I did manage to list a couple new holiday themed baby bibs. These are not exactly traditional holiday bibs so they are listed in the Raven Heart Designs ETSY shop with the inappropriate bibs (although they really are not inappropriate).
Hopefully the Christmas and Hanukkah bibs for the Raven's Mystic Moon shop are finished before it's time to can tomatoes!

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